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Fat filled coconut halves with
various kinds of seed can be
also produced with many
supplements as berries, dreid
fruits, insects.
Coconut halves can be packed
separate or as a 3,4-pack on
a plastic tray in printed film or
clear foil with sticker label.
Fat sticks are produced
with many supplement as
berries, insects, dried fruits
according our client's wishes.
Fat sticks are packed separate,
as a 3,4-pack on a plastic tray.
Weight of single stick is agreed
with our clients and it is beetwen
Fat blocks can be produced
with many supplement as
berries, insects, dried fruits
similar as a fat sticks.
Fat blocks are packing separate
in printed film or clear foil with
Weight of each block is about
300 gr.Size should fit to most
popular bird feeders.
We have got also few kinds
of mixes in our offer.
Composition of each mix are
always agreeded with our
Our proposal of mixes:
3 fatballs+2 fat sticks,
2 fatballs+2 peanuts in net
+2 sunflower seeds in net.
All mixes are packed on a trays
in printed or clear film with sticker.
Unpeeled peanuts are very
interesting proposal for birds.
It is not only a foodbut it is
also some kind of fun for birds.
It is also nice looking item.
Our suggested size : 300 gr
but we can produce all sizes
in scope from 300gr up to 800 gr.
This item is also packed in film
on flow-pack machine. We can
also put a plastic hook on it.
Chains are specific items where
we put few different or similar
items one by one in row.
Ingrediends of chain are always
established by our client.
We can produce our chain based
on fatballs, peanuts or sunflower
All chains are packed on flow-pack
machine in printed or clear film.
Mixed peanuts and sunflower
seeds in proportion which will
be agreed with or client. Big
portion of fat seeds and loose
form of seeds are best composition
for very hard winters.
Weight of this item: 650-1200 gr.
Packed on flow-pack machine in foil.
Peanut or peanut with fatballs
snake similar as mix snake
are best compositionfor very
hard winters.
Weight of this item: 650-1200 gr.
Packed on flow-pack machine in foil.